The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission made several strides during 2022. As part of a continued partners project with the Parks and Trail Council, trail counts and user surveys were performs at three of our designated mountain bike trail systems. This builds on the three surveys completed in 2021 and is part of our long range research plan. We also completed a campground visitor satisfaction and occupancy survey project. This project surveyed six campgrounds in District 5 and one campground in District 3. Work was done by the Southwest Regional Development Commission. The information gathered will be helpful to our Commission as well as to the participating facilities.
The Mountain Bike Trail Development Guidelines manual added the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) to the project as a partner. This helped the guide expand and become more robust. The comprehensive guide is the first significant update for mountain biking since 2017. The guide is available for free on the Commission and IMBA websites, and for a small printing fee for hard copies.
The GMRPTC has announced Legacy grant recommendations for the FY24 funding cycle. The Commission were able to fund 14 applications! The Commission was able to allocate $11,398,765 to projects. Review the full 2022 Policy and Planning Report HERE.
Review the funding applications in the following list by clicking on the project name. Additional information be found by contacting the System Plan Coordinator – [email protected].
Applicant Award District
Duluth Waabizheshikana/The Martin Trail $1,493,434.00 1
Cook County Mountain Bike Trail System $400,00.00 1
Mesabi Trail $750,000.00 1
Northerly Park - Northwest Angle $70,000.00 2
Detroit Mountain Recreation Area $1,325,941 3
Otter Tail County Phelps Mill County Park $366,000.00 3
Benton County Great River Park Complex $797,555.00 4
Isanti County Springvale Park $336,800.00 4
Stearns County Kraemer Lake - Wildwood County Park $1,175,846.00 4
Stearns County Quarry Park & Nature Preserve $170,250.00 4
Redwood County Plum Creek Park $818,539.00 5
Sibley County Henderson Scenic Byway Regional Trail $1,394,400.00 5
Austin Jay C. Hormel Nature Center $250,000.00 6
Olmsted County Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo $2,050,000.00 6
Total $11,398,765.00
The Mountain Bike Trail Development Guidelines manual added the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) to the project as a partner. This helped the guide expand and become more robust. The comprehensive guide is the first significant update for mountain biking since 2017. The guide is available for free on the Commission and IMBA websites, and for a small printing fee for hard copies.
The GMRPTC has announced Legacy grant recommendations for the FY24 funding cycle. The Commission were able to fund 14 applications! The Commission was able to allocate $11,398,765 to projects. Review the full 2022 Policy and Planning Report HERE.
Review the funding applications in the following list by clicking on the project name. Additional information be found by contacting the System Plan Coordinator – [email protected].
Applicant Award District
Duluth Waabizheshikana/The Martin Trail $1,493,434.00 1
Cook County Mountain Bike Trail System $400,00.00 1
Mesabi Trail $750,000.00 1
Northerly Park - Northwest Angle $70,000.00 2
Detroit Mountain Recreation Area $1,325,941 3
Otter Tail County Phelps Mill County Park $366,000.00 3
Benton County Great River Park Complex $797,555.00 4
Isanti County Springvale Park $336,800.00 4
Stearns County Kraemer Lake - Wildwood County Park $1,175,846.00 4
Stearns County Quarry Park & Nature Preserve $170,250.00 4
Redwood County Plum Creek Park $818,539.00 5
Sibley County Henderson Scenic Byway Regional Trail $1,394,400.00 5
Austin Jay C. Hormel Nature Center $250,000.00 6
Olmsted County Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo $2,050,000.00 6
Total $11,398,765.00