The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission consists of 13 members appointed by the governor with two members representing each of the regional parks and trails districts and one member at large. See commission members.
Public EngagementSince the founding of the Commission in 2013, a robust network of local and regional engagement has been developed. Local agencies have submitted hundreds of Designation Applications and Master Plans for review. Annual workshops in each district have provided opportunities for public feedback and ideas. Online engagement tools such as blogs, video tutorials and surveys have broadened reach. Additionally, regular communication with partner agencies, user groups and advocacy organizations has become routine.
The Commission's goal is to reach parks and trails users and stakeholders about district needs, opportunities and Commission activities when and how it works best at the regional and local level. This requires engaging with existing groups, organizations and leaders where they are as much as possible. General engagement strategies include: - Connect with various regional and local user groups. - Utilize existing blog/newsletter and GMPT communication channels. - Conduct annual District or sub-District public workshops. - Connect with non-profit/non-governmental organizations affiliated with outdoor recreation topics as appropriate. - Participate in regular state-wide annual meetings of the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC), the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC), their regional-level subgroups, and other formal organizations. Contact Executive Director Renee Mattson at [email protected] or System Plan Coordinator Joe Czapiewski at [email protected] for more information. Interested in Being a Commissioner?
There are open seats for appointment or reappointment in each of the six districts as well as the At-Large Commissioner seat. The Governor makes the appointments and applications are accepted until the appointments have been made. Please refer to the district map for boundaries.
Anyone interested in serving on the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission may complete an application for consideration at the Minnesota Secretary of State website, Boards and Commission link: https://commissionsandappointments.sos.state.mn.us/Position/Index/1 Evaluation Team (ETeam)To ensure the credibility of the Regional System designation vetting process, the Commission established the Evaluation Team (ETeam) to evaluate individual park and trail proposals against established criteria (as defined in the Strategic Plan). The ETeam is made up of selected individuals without any connection to or vested interest in outcomes. All of the members were appointed by the Commission through a defined selection protocol.
Interagency RelationshipsSeveral partner agencies and organizations play key collaborative roles in ensuring the best use of Minnesota's available Legacy Parks and Trails Funds. The Commission is committed to working with these partners, and others, to ensure overall system plans are complementary and focus on meeting priority needs across Greater Minnesota.
- Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Metropolitan Council Regional Parks - Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails - Cities and Counties - Tribal Governments MINNESOTA GREAT OUTDOORS WEBSITE The new MN Great Outdoors website is a joint initiative of Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission, MN DNR and Metropolitan Council. The website will make trip planning easy and provide a great way to filter a search based on location, accessibility, amenities and features. Once a search is complete, the site lists the parks or trails that fit the parameters and users simply click through to the individual websites for more detail and planning assistance. One of the primary benefits to the designated facilities in Greater Minnesota is the ability for city and county facilities with smaller marketing budgets to gain greater exposure to a much larger audience of park and trail enthusiasts. mn.gov/greatoutdoors/ |