For additional information: Renee Mattson, Executive Director of the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission, at 218-310-2627 or [email protected].
‘Mask Out, Minnesota’ campaign launches today to encourage wintertime use of state’s parks and trails DULUTH, Minn. / Jan. 28, 2021 – State recreation leaders always encourage people to follow the life-saving guidance of the “Mask Up, Minnesota” efforts, and now they’re inviting residents to take masks one crunchy step further. “Mask Out, Minnesota,” a public awareness campaign to encourage people to visit the state’s many parks and trails during these chilly winter months, was launched today by the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC). “There’s no better way to socially distance, get fresh air and some much-needed exercise than to visit a nearby park or trail, even when it’s cold out,” said GMRPTC Executive Director Renee Mattson. “Just put on your favorite winter facemasks – along with parkas, boots, choppers and long underwear – and Mask Out, Minnesota, to enjoy the beauty of our winter!” She added that most Minnesotans are just a few minutes away from a scenic park or trail, directions to which can be found at “After so many months of stay-at-home, these treasures give families a safe and fun way to get away from home for a few hours,” she said. While “Mask Out, Minnesota” borrows its name from “Mask Up, Minnesota,” Mattson said people should not forget the importance of the latter message. “Our tongue-in-cheek, Mask Out message might actually be closer to tongue-on-a-frozen-pole, since it’s intended to playfully remind people of wintertime in Minnesota,” she said. “But Mask Up remains a crucial message for everyone to follow during these ongoing coronavirus concerns.” Established in 2013, the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission conducts system planning and designates regionally significant parks and trails in the 80-counties outside the seven-county metropolitan area. Grant recommendations to the Legislature are made through the Parks and Trails Legacy Fund, one of the four funds resulting from the Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment. These funds may only be spent to support parks and trails of regional or statewide significance. Additional information is at ![]()
TV station WLAX in Winona shares THIS STORY (link) about ice climbing in Winona along the Bluff Traverse.
Greater Minnesota is home to three fantastic ice climbing opportunities, all a part of the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission system. In addition to Winona, ice parks can be found at Sandstone's Robinson Park and on the Duluth Traverse at Quarry Park.
The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission has announced grant recommendations for the FY2022 funding cycle.
Of the 64 regionally designated parks and trails in the Greater Minnesota system, the Commission received 14 applications and selected 11 projects totaling $7,755,429 to recommend for legislative approval. See the full press release and recommendation list below. Learn more about how the Commission is working with other cities and counties in all six Greater Minnesota districts to fulfill the 25-year Legacy Plan in the attached annual Policy and Planning report to the Legislature. ![]()
February 2025
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