The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) announces the availability of its funding application for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. All designated park and trail facilities in the GMRPTC System may begin online applications on April 1, 2020. The application portal will close on July 31, 2020.
“Cities and counties across Greater Minnesota have sought funding for a variety of park and trail projects the past several application cycles,” said Renee Mattson, Executive Director of the GMRPTC. “Park and trail infrastructure projects funded by the Commission are making a difference in all areas of the state and we expect similar success this year. We are also excited to be offering a new, designated target of $250,000 for programming and accessibility projects that fall under the Connecting People to the Outdoors category.” Funding has been available for projects in that category in the past, as a part of the larger fund that typically distributes $8 – 10 million annually in Greater Minnesota. This is the first year a specific set-aside has been created to encourage applicants to pursue well-designed projects that bring new users to the park or trail and promote life-long use. Last year the Commission received 22 applications and selected nine of them for funding, totaling $9,984,067. Funded by the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment, the 13-member GMRPTC facilitates a subset of the Parks and Trails fund dedicated to city and county parks and trails of regional significance. Applicants should review the Funding Criteria and Guidelines as well as Application Instructions carefully to make sure they understand this year’s requirements. The online-only application portal is located on the Commission’s website HERE. Guidelines, instructions, tutorials and sample documents can be found in the Application Toolbox HERE. Any questions can be directed to System Plan Coordinator Joe Czapiewski at [email protected]. |
February 2025
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