While the GMRPTC is a separate entity from the DNR, we are still partner agencies. Planning coordination between the Commission and MN DNR Parks and Trails is important. The purpose of the Parks and Trails Strategic Plan is to communicate the Division’s strategic priorities to staff and partners, so that they understand them and can assist with implementation efforts. A new body of evidence suggests that adding greenery in vacant or gray settings reduces criminal activity nearby.
Read more here. This survey was administered to focus group participants in May and June, 2010. The goal of the survey is to capture economic, social, and demographic characteristics of residents who have moved into the region. There were seven sessions held across seven communities of west central Minnesota. IMBA's online resources on trail building emphasize the importance of well-planned trail systems, and offer advice for how to create a trail system plan that can create good experiences for diverse visitors, minimize user conflict and environmental damage, and hold up in the future.
IMBA's trail design guidelines and manuals are available for sale at https://www.imba.com/resources/trail-building In this Special Report on Youth, The Outdoor Foundation examines youth participation in outdoor recreation — profiling the extent and quality of participation among ages 6 to 24. With the vital new information detailed within, it seeks to provide youth organizations, public agencies, businesses and non-profits with insights needed to get youth outside. The Parks, Trails, and Health Workbook: A Tool for Planners, Parks and Recreational Professionals, and Health Practitioners is a quick guide for incorporating public health considerations in the development and improvement of a park or trail. This tool can help start collaborative discussions about the health benefits of parks and trails and prepare for a health impact assessment (HIA).
Link Nearly 143 million Americans, or 49.2 percent of the US population, participated in an outdoor activity at least once in 2013. Although the actual number of outdoor participants increased since 2012, the participation rate fell slightly, due to population growth. This report takes a close look at trends in outdoor participation – including populations where participation has increased as well as decreased. The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) today announced the 14 parks and trails in Greater Minnesota that have achieved regional designation for 2016. Mn/DOT has created a new state bicycle map, available as a pdf download or in print. They have also created individual county-level bicycle maps, available online. Check it out!
Link here This report is the Metropolitan Council’s 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan. |
December 2024
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